Is there such a thing as a Fire Proof Garage Door or a Fire Resistant Garage Door?

IGD are a WA owned company and are the premier wholesaler of Insulated Sectional Garage Doors in Perth. We supply sectional Polyurethane garage doors and openers direct to builders, garage door company's and garage door installers.

Products are the result of 16 years of testing and improvement.

People often say "my garage is too hot" or how can I cool my garage?

If you live in the hills surrounding Perth there is a good chance you have trees and vegetation close to your home and you may be exposed to a potential fire hazard. Unfortunately every summer there are several fires in the Perth hills and worse still is the fact that a lot of them are deliberately lit.

So how would your home fair if there was a fire?

We know that during a fire we are told not to use our airconditioners and also to keep our windows closed and gutters clean because of what's called "ember attack". A fire is often driven by strong winds and these winds cause hot embers to be carried hundreds of meters before the fire, igniting spots fires as they fall to the ground. You may have done all the right things (turned off airconditioning and raked up the leaves etc) but what about your garage?

Garages are often used for more than just the family car. If you're like most people garages often become a storage facility. All sorts of things end up in the garage and some are also used for hobbies or are converted into workshops.

Is your garage capable of protecting your belongings from "ember attack"?

If your garage is not sealed around the perimeter there is a potential threat, not just to your garage but to the whole of your home. It may only take a single ember to ignite a fire that could have been prevented by a decent garage door and side weather seals.

The door on the left allows for easy ember attack, whereas our door on the right hand side is sealed on all edges. An effective seal maybe all it takes to help prevent a fire from getting a hold in your home.

Most fires are very quick and move across homes in a matter of seconds and housing estates in a matter of minutes unless they take a hold. Even if it is a quick moving fire you may still suffer the effects of the transferred heat. Cars today are made with a lot of polymers and plastics and they don't take well to extremes in temperatures, especially the temperatures generated by fires.

Because of the material used in the manufacturing of our garage doors they can withstand extremes in temperature. We have carried out tests holding a blow torch that is capable of producing a flame close to 3000 degrees celcius on one side of a panel and placed an unprotected hand on the other side of the panel, without feeling any heat transfer! On any summers day in Perth it is almost impossible to touch the back of a standard garage door without being burnt.

Standard garage doors offer no protection from heat transfer, even though your car and personal belongings may be inside the garage they are still vulnerable!

This image shows our polyurethane door panel after it has been exposed to a naked flame of close to 3000 deg C continuously for 2 minutes! Appyling the same test to a polystyrene product will result in a puddle of goo!

It is a requirement for all new homes in bushfire prone areas to have adequate seals to prevent ember attack. That may be fine for them, but it won't help you if your home and personal belongings aren't protected.

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